Devizes Books – Civil War fiction Book Signing

Devizes Books Handel House, Sidmouth Street, Devizes, United Kingdom

Devizes Books - Civil War fiction book signing. Charles Cordell will be signing copies of Divided Kingdom book #2 - The Keys of Hell and Death. The story opens with […]

Siege of Devizes 1643 – battlefield walk & talk

St James's Church 1 Church Walk, Devizes, United Kingdom

The Siege of Devizes 1643 battlefield walk. A guided battlefield walk and discussion of the key sites and events of 9-13 July 1643. Charles Cordell will describe the background to […]

The Storming of Bristol 1643 – Battlefield Walk and Talk

Brandon Hill Brandon Hill Park, Park Street, Bristol, United Kingdom

The Storming of Bristol 1643 - a guided battlefield walk of the key sites and events of 26 July 1643. Charles Cordell will describe the background and assaults made by […]

Waterstones Llandudno Book Signing – British Civil Wars fiction

Waterstones Llandudno Mostyn Street, Llandudno, United Kingdom

Waterstones Llandudno book signing - British Civil Wars fiction. Charles Cordell will be signing copies of Divided Kingdom book #2 – The Keys of Hell and Death. The story opens […]

Siege of Chester 1645-46 – Talk and Walk on the City Walls

King Charles Tower Chester City Walls, Chester, United Kingdom

A talk and guided walk of the key sites of the Siege of Chester 1645-46. The event will include access to the King Charles Tower, the breaches and Castle. The […]

Cromwell Museum Author Talk – Lansdown Hill to Bristol 1643

The Cromwell Museum Grammar School Walk, Huntingdon, United Kingdom

A Cromwell Museum author talk - the Battle of Lansdown Hill to the Storming of Bristol in 1643. Charles Cordell - author of English Civil War fiction series Divided Kingdom […]

Brentford & Chiswick in Civil War fiction – author talk

Chiswick Memorial Club Afton House, Bourne Place, Chiswick, London, United Kingdom

Brentford and Chiswick in Civil War fiction. Author Charles Cordell will be talking about writing English Civil War fiction and […]

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