Battle of Brentford 1642 – barricades before London

Battle of Brentford, 12 November 1642 - map showing the parliamentary outpost at Sir Richard Wynn's house, barricades at Brentford Bridge and Old Brentford.
Battle of Brentford 1642

The Battle of Brentford in 1642 was a key moment in the first year of the English Civil War. It saw King Charles I seize Brentford Bridge, the last obstacle before London. It placed his army within eight miles of Parliament at Westminster.

However, the parliamentary defenders of Brentford fought fiercely to stop the royalist advance. Although defeated, their barricades on Brentford High Street held out long enough to save the capital. By morning, both the main parliamentary army and the London Trained Bands were ready to stop the King on Turnham Green.

This page aims to provide historical notes to accompany God’s Vindictive Wrath, a novel by Charles Cordell. The notes cover the Battle of Brentford in 1642. This website also includes notes on the Battle of Edgehill and the forgotten Battle of Aylesbury in 1642, as well as background articles on The General Crisis of the 17th Century and Pike and Shot Warfare.

Battle of Edgehill 1642 & the campaign to seize London

The Battle of Edgehill was fought on the 23rd of October 1642. It was the first major battle of the English Civil War. Many had anticipated a single show of force or token battle – a letting of blood to ‘purge the nation’. But Edgehill left many in shock. It descended into a brutal drawn-out slog, with no conclusive ending.

What followed was a campaign to seize London. The King marched via Oxford and Reading, gaining support along the way. The Earl of Essex and his parliamentary army raced to reach London via Warwick, Daventry, Wattling Street and St Albans. After a clash at the Battle of Aylesbury and a forced march, Essex arrived in the capital first, on the 6th of November.

The King reached Colnbrook on the 9th of November. The next day, he received peace commissioners sent by parliament. The peace talks at Colnbrook made some progress. However, whilst the King remained at Colnbrook, his army remained vulnerable. He was hemmed in by Parliamentary forces at Windsor, Kingston, Acton and Brentford.

Ultimately, the King decided to improve his negotiating position by taking Brentford and its bridge. Critically, neither side had proposed a ceasefire during the peace talks. Only on the morning of Saturday 12th of November did Parliament send Sir Peter Killigrew to the King to ask for a ceasefire. By then it was too late. The King was marching on Brentford.

Brentford in 1642

Brentford was renowned for its mud, its market, its chickens, its inns and its whores. The Great Road from Bristol to London passed along its High Street. It was renowned as being deep with mud and rubbish. The town had no pavement. As a staging post just outside London, Brentford had more hostelries than usual. It had 28 inns and taverns in 1793. Many were Elizabethan and older.

From Shakespeare onwards, literature tells us of Brentford’s many whores and mistresses. Famous residents included Pocahontas, Captain John Rolfe and their son Thomas.

The Three Pigeons Inn, New Brentford – Shakespeare’s Inn

The Three Pigeons was the premier inn in Brentford throughout the Elizabethan and Stuart period. Thomas Faulkner described it in 1845 as a large Elizabethan building with projecting upper story. In its time, it had stabling for 100 horses. Occupying the south western corner of the Market Place, the inn ran back to the Brent. This is now the site of the London Tile Company, 194 High Street, Brentford.

English literature celebrates The Three Pigeons more than any other inn in Britain. Commonly known as ‘The Doves’, it features in Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor (1602). It is also the scene of Decker and Middleton’s Westward Ho (1604) and The Roaring Girl or Moll Cutpurse (1611). Ben Johnson’s The Alchemist (1610) and Butler’s Hudibras (1663-78) also feature it. As does Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer (1773). Finally, it appears in Dicken’s Our Mutual Friend (1865).

The Three Pigeons is also the one inn that we know Shakespeare visited with any certainty. It was also frequented by Samuel Jonson. It was a place where gentlemen entertained their mistresses. Sadly, it was demolished in 1950.

John Lowin, Joseph Taylor & closure of theatres in 1642

John Lowin (1576-1659) and Joseph Taylor (158?-1652) were colleagues of Shakespeare. They were leading actors in the King’s Men theatre company at the Globe and Blackfriars theatres. Lowin was the original Falstaff. He played the part for 40 years. Taylor understudied Burbage. He was the original Hamlet and noted for his Iago. He also played a range of roles in plays by Jonson, Webster and Massinger.

Parliament closed all theatres in September 1642. Lowin seems to have taken over the Three Pigeons in Brentford at about this time. He was certainly running it, with Taylor, soon after. Neither appears to have married. Both were imprisoned for acting Rollo Duke of Normandy on 1st January 1649. Lowin died at the Three Pigeons aged 83, just before the restoration.

If Lowin and Taylor were in residence at the Three Pigeons in September 1642, they cannot have enjoyed hosting the parliamentary garrison that arrived there. They probably longed for a cavalier victory and opportunity to play again.

Parliamentary Defences at Brentford – 10-12th November 1642

We know that Holles’ Regiment of Foot manned a barricade at Brentford Bridge. It is likely that they also occupied the tower of St Lawrence’s Church. Further forward, there was an outpost at Sir Richard Wynn’s House beyond Brentford End. This occupied a site between what is now the Hilton Syon Park and the Coach and Horses on London Road. The cellars of the east wing were located in an archaeological dig by Birkbeck College in 2012.

Lord Brooke’s Regiment of Foot were stationed to the rear, in Old Brentford. It would seem that their field officers were all absent, in London. John Lilburne arrived on the morning of 12th November and took command. As second captain, he was in theory only the fifth officer in seniority.

Accounts vary on the number of parliamentary horse troops stationed at Brentford. Some suggest as many as seven troops. Either way, it would appear that they took no real part in the fighting. What is clear is that Captain Robert Vivers was captured at Brentford. Nathaniel Fiennes stated that a Robert Vivers was one of the first to run at Edgehill. This is almost certainly the same officer. He and his troop may well have been posted to Brentford to regain their honour.

The Battle of Brentford – 12th November 1642

Ludlow gives us a useful account of the battle for Brentford in his Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. John Gwynne gives us another from the royalist perspective (Salisbury’s welsh Regiment of Foot) in the Military Memoires of John Gwyn.

John Lilburne describes the battle in, John Lilburne, Innocency and Truth Justified, 1645 (British Library E314/21). This gives us a picture from the parliamentary side. Lilburne played a key role in organising the defences and fought to the last.

As a result, we can piece together much of the action. We can also relate it to the ground today, particularly along the line of fighting along Brentford High Street.

The King’s Rendezvous on Hounslow Heath – 12th November 1642

The King assembled his army on Hounslow Heath early on the morning of 12th November 1642. ‘A True Relation of two Merchants of London who were taken prisoners by the Cavaliers and of the Misery they and the other Puritans endured’ gives a parliamentarian account of events.

“The King and Prince were then on Hounslow Heath, and were marching towards Brentford; they made full account (whatsoever is suggested to the contrary) to have surprized the City of London. Prince Robert put off his scarlet coat, which was very riche, and gave it to his man, and buckled on his armour, and put a grey coat over it, that he might not bee discovered; he talked long with the King, and often in his communication with his Majesty he scratched his head, and tore his hair as if he had been in some great discontent.

There was that day apprehended a Gentleman clothed in Scarlet, and hanged upon a tree, as it is conceived for speaking in honour of the Parliament, and no man suffered to cut him down or cover his face, until he had been made a public spectacle to the whole Army which was then marching by. This was done in the way betwixt Egham and Staines.

Dr Soame, vicar of Staines, having four or five daughters, in great jollity did ride up and down the Army, and was very familiar with the Commanders, and it was thought some of those Commanders were as familiar with his daughters; for they did ride behind some Captains, who took them up on horseback, and being more mindfull of them than of their soldiers, shewed them the whole Army, as they marched by.”

Outpost at Sir Richard Wynn’s House – Forlorn Hope

Edward Ludlow tells us that the King advanced. “Taking advantage of a very thick mist marched his army within half a mile of Brentford before he was discovered.” The advance was led by The Prince of Wales’ Regiment of Horse. They were part of Rupert’s brigade of horse, on the King’s right.

In the fog, the Prince of Wales Horse ran into Holle’s outpost at Sir Richard Wynn’s House. Here they were met by cannon fire. “They played so fast upon us, that we lost some Men, and were obliged to draw off”. Lieutenant Thomas Daniell was killed and William Tirwhitt lost an arm.

The King’s Forlorn Hope now fell on the outpost. This consisted of an advanced guard of 1,000 musketeers. A single foot company probably manned the outpost as Grand Guard. It is unlikely that they withstood the storm of fire for long.

Barricade at Brentford Bridge – Holle’s Regiment of Foot

Salisbury’s Welsh Foot appear to have been the lead battalion of the King’s vanguard. Sir Thomas Salisbury addressed his regiment with the words, “gentlemen, you lost your honour at Edgehill. I hope you will regain it here.” It must have stung their pride. They went on to storm Holle’s barricade at Brentford Bridge.

John Gwynne gives an account of the battle for Brentford in his Military Memoires of John Gwyn. He joined the regiment on Hounslow Heath and went on to lead one of its companies.

“We had no sooner put ourselves into rank and file, under the command of our worthy old acquaintance, Sir George Bunckley, (then Major to Sir Thomas Salisbury) but we marched up to the enemy, engaged them by Sir Richard Winn’s house, and the Thames side, beat them to retreat into Brentford, – beat them from one Brentford to the other, and from thence to the open field, with resolute and expeditious fighting, that after once firing suddenly to advance up to push of pikes and butt-end of muskets, which proved so fatal to Holles his butchers and dyers that day, that abundance of them were killed and taken prisoners.”

John Lilburne’s Barricade – Lord Brooke’s Regiment of Foot

With Brentford Bridge cleared, the fighting rolled up Brentford High Street. A second barricade, manned by Brooke’s Foot, halted the royalist advance. John Lilburne commanded here. He gives us a good account of his actions in his John Lilburne, Innocency and Truth Justified.

The position of this second barricade is not certain. However, the junction of the High Street with Drum Lane (now the B455 Ealing Road) would seem to fit. It has the advantage of slope, firm flank against the Thames and a clear field of fire. It also fits the description of being “between the two Brentfords”. The proximity of Lot Ait and Brentford Ait islands also fit well.

The Red Lion Inn occupied the corner of Drum Lane and Brentford High Street until demolished in 1962. The 1841 tithe map marks it with a substantial courtyard. Henry VI held a chapter of the Order of the Garter at the Lion Inn, Brentford in 1445. The site is now occupied by Osier Court.

The King’s Foot Assault – Wentworth’s & Fitton’s tertias

Wentworth’s Tertia formed the royalist vanguard. This included: Salisbury’s (Welsh), G Gerard’s (Lancashire), Molineaux’s (Lancashire), Belasyse’s (Yorks & Notts) and Blagge’s (Suffolk) foot regiments. Mathew Smallwood describes five regiments assaulting Brooke’s barricade. Each regiment was beaten back.

Finally, Fitton’s (Cheshire) Foot broke through with the aid of two cannon “newly brought up”. Fitton’s were probably the lead foot regiment of Fielding’s Tertia that made up the main body, or Battle, that day.

Either way, John Lilburne and Brooke’s were beaten. Their barricade was breached. It would seem that they were almost certainly surrounded and cut off from retreat by this stage. Large numbers of them, including Lilburne were taken prisoner.

Encirclement via Boston Manor & Osterley – Wilmot’s Brigade

It is likely that some of the King’s horse worked around to the north. Defoe’s Memoirs of a Cavalier, written within living memory, describe such a move. “At last, seeing the obstinacy of these men, a party of horse was ordered to round from Osterley; and, entering the town on the north side.”

If such a move took place, it is likely that Wilmot’s brigade of horse would have completed it. This included Lord Grandison’s Horse, Lord Carnarvon’s Horse and Sir Thomas Aston’s Dragoons, as well as his own. Walsingham’s Account of the Doings of Sir John Smith describes Smith’s “gallant behaviour in the fight at Brainceford [Brentford]” with Grandison’s regiment.

The route taken was likely to have followed the route of the modern Great West Road (A4). The crossing point over the River Brent was probably near Boston Manor. Such a flank move would have entered Brentford down Half Acre or Drum Lane.

The King’s Advance Halted – John Hampden’s Green Coats

With Brooke’s barricade breached, the Great Road to London was finally open. The King’s army could continue its advance beyond Old Brentford. However, by now it was late afternoon and almost dark.

Almost immediately, the King’s leading regiments were faced by a fresh parliamentary battalion. John Hampden had marched his regiment of Buckinghamshire green-coats from Acton to form a block across the Great Road, somewhere between Old Brentford and Turnham.

Hampden’s green-coats are described as ‘charging’ the royalist five times. However, this should be understood as almost certainly referring to ‘charging with fire’. They probably fired five volleys, rather than charging the King’s army five times on foot with pikes and musket butts.

Either way, their action brought the King’s advance to a halt. It almost certainly also covered the retreat of some of Brentford’s surviving defenders. It would seem that the Battle of Brentford ended here as darkness fell.

We know that Lunsford’s and River’s regiments of foot fought at Brentford. They were part of Fielding’s Tertia, the ‘Battle’ that day, and may have been the two regiments that went on to clash with Hampden’s green-coats. The other regiments of Fielding’s Tertia were probably: Fielding’s, Bolle’s, Stradling’s and Northampton’s foot.

The King at Boston Manor – Byron’s Tertia

Byron’s Tertia probably made up the royalist Rear for that day. It seems that it was not engaged. It is likely that the Lifeguard of Foot would have been with the King at Boston Manor where he spent the night after Brentford. The other foot regiments of this tertia were probably: the Lord General’s, Beaumont’s, C Gerard’s, Dutton’s and Dyve’s.

There is no mention of Pennyman’s Foot at Brentford, believed to be part of Wentworth’s Tertia. It is possible that the regiment remained behind to screen Venn’s parliamentary garrison at Windsor.

Defenders shot & drowned in the Thames

A number of accounts state that some of Brentford’s defenders tried to escape by swimming across the Thames. They clearly state that many drowned. Mathew Smallwood (Fitton’s Regiment) gives an account from a royalist perspective.

“What was most pitiful was to see how many poor men ended and lost their lives striving to save them, for they ran into the Thames, about 200 of them, as we might judge, were drowned.”

It was possible to ford the Thames at Brentford, before it was dredged. (Julius Caesar probably crossed the Thames here in 54 BC.) However, this was only possible at low tide. The 12th November 1642 was a new moon and would have seen spring tides with high rise, fall and flow of water. Even the strongest of swimmers would have struggled to cross that night.

A number of parliamentary accounts suggest that mounted cavaliers rode along the banks of the Thames shooting at some of those in the water. This may be propaganda. But it is equally possible that undisciplined troops ran amok.

The Sack of Brentford

The King’s opponents expressed outrage at royalist actions at Brentford. They saw the attack as a “bloody and treacherous design”. (See Special Passages, anon, Nov 1642.) Some compared the sack of Brentford to the worst atrocities of the Thirty Years War. It did no compare. But, it did scare the citizens of London.

Many accused Salisbury’s Welsh Foot of plundering. They had a bad reputation throughout the war. Even royalist officers complained of the thieving ways of the Welsh foot. (See Thomason Tract E.128 (34).) They appeared to be ignorant of political differences, robbing parliamentarian and royalist alike. Equally, these accusations probably reflected racist views at the time.

Prisoners taken at Brentford were bound head to toe and kept in the Cattle Pound. This was an enclosure for animals impounded for illegal grazing on the town’s commons. The Pound was almost certainly adjacent to Brentford’s Lock-Up House, or parish jail. The1839 tithe map marks the Lock-Up at the junction of Ferry Lane and Brentford High Street. Brentford Fire Station replaced it in 1897. Today it is a café.

Battle of Brentford 1642 - map of New Brentford in the 1640s
New Brentford in the 1640s

Battle of Turnham Green – 13 November 1642

By next morning, Sunday the 13th of November, the Earl of Essex was ready to defend London. John Lilburne, John Hampden and Brentford’s defenders had bought enough time for Essex to mobilise London.

Together the main parliamentary field army, veterans of Edgehill, and the London Trained Bands militia marched out to face the King. They formed a battle line across Acton Common, Turnham Green and Chiswick Common Field.

What followed was the Battle of Turnham Green. But that is the subject of another article.

War Widows, Petitions and Pensions – Thomasine Bennett

Parliament awarded some 80 pensions to war widows for their husbands’ defence of Brentford. Thomasine Bennett was one of those. In 1654 she petitioned Cromwell to reinstate a pension of 22 shillings for her and her eight children. She cited her husband, Captain William Bennett of Denzil Holles’ Regiment, as “the chief instrument” of holding back the royalist attack.

If interested, there is now a fanatic source for the study of Civil War Petitions. This project looks at welfare and memory during and after the British Civil Wars, 1642-1710.

More English Civil War historical notes & maps

I hope you found these notes on the Battle of Brentford in 1642 useful. You may also want to read notes on the Battle of Edgehill and the race from Edgehill to London. This site also has notes on the Battle of Turnham Green and London’s Lines of Communication, as well as articles on the Storming of Winchester and the Battle of Roundway Down.

If you are planning to visit the locations in these notes, please do also check out the resources on the Battlefields Hub. This is a site run by the Battlefields Trust, a volunteer organisation dedicated to protecting and promoting Britain’s battlefields. Their guided battlefield walks are excellent.

You can also read about Pike and Shot Warfare. This article explains the clash between Dutch and Swedish military doctrines at Edgehill in 1642. This website also includes articles on The General Crisis of the 17th Century and the backdrop of The Thirty Years War. You can also read about the English Revolution and the Great Rebellion of 1642.

God’s Vindictive Wrath – English Civil War novel

These historical notes accompany the text of God’s Vindictive Wrath, a Divided Kingdom novel by Charles Cordell. The story opens at the Battle of Edgehill and closes with the Battle of Turnham Green in 1642. It includes an account of the often forgotten Battle of Aylesbury.

The Divided Kingdom books take a fresh approach. They are not based on a single hero. They do not take sides. Their voices – ordinary men and women – face each other in the chaos of Britain in civil war. They are both relatable and sharply relevant today. They are also as historically accurate as is possible.

Please do check out some of the writing at Divided Kingdom Books, including book tasters and a FREE ebook short story.

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Finally, please check out the posts on Early Modern Life and the British Civil Wars. These include a post on Re-enacting the Battle of Edgehill in 2022. I hope they are of interest.

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