The English Civil War at Waterstones

Charles Cordell - author with English Civil War re-enactors and his debut novel God's Vindictive Wrath outside a Waterstones bookshop.
Charles Cordell and English Civil War re-enactors at Waterstones

English Civil War at Waterstones – signing copies of God’s Vindictive Wrath. A massive thank you to all who came along to talk about the English Civil War and historical fiction. And to the brilliant Sir John Owen’s Regiment of Foote for making it a very memorable day. Thank you all!

English Civil War historical fiction

A great day. Lots of happy customers and interested shoppers – books, pikes, muskets and banter.

God's Vindictive Wrath readers - happy shoppers at Waterstones
God’s Vindictive Wrath readers – happy shoppers at Waterstones

God’s Vindictive Wrath is available online and in store at Waterstones, Foyles, Blackwells, WHSmith and good independent bookshops. Links to all are on the book page.

The Llandudno Monkey Man and re-enactors outside Waterstones
The Llandudno Monkey Man and re-enactors outside Waterstones

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