Best New Historical Fiction – The Times

The best new historical fiction – The Times book review pick of the month for July 2022. “Charles Cordell, a former soldier, writes with bravura confidence.”
Massive thanks to Antonia Senior for her brilliant review of God’s Vindictive Wrath. Generous words from an author and journalist who know the English Civil War.
I feel very honoured to be considered alongside such other titles and authors. I am very conscious that I am a debut author in such company.
Read the full review online in The Times.
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Divided Kingdom – English Civil War historical fiction
This book review post aims to offer a little to the story of the Divided Kingdom books. This historical fiction series is set in Early Modern Britain during the English Civil War. I hope you enjoy the books.
The Divided Kingdom novels take a fresh approach. They are not based on a single hero. They do not take sides. Their voices – ordinary men and women – face each other in the chaos of Britain in civil war. They are both relatable and sharply relevant today. They are also as historically accurate as possible. The English Civil War is filled with so many extraordinary stories that just need to be told. There is no need to add fictional dragons!
Please do check out some of the writing at Divided Kingdom Books, including more reviews, book tasters and a FREE ebook short story.
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